3 comments | tags: 0.5 star, apocalypse, book review, books, braaaains, dearly departed, fiction, godawful, horror, intriguing review, lia habel, losers unite!, post apocalyptic wastelands, review, romance, science gone wrong, skeptical, steampunk, sweet sweet luuurve, worst books read in 2011, you think your family has issues | posted in Lists, Words, Worst Books Read in 2011
5 comments | tags: are you high, ben lerner, book review, books, contemporary fiction, fiction, godawful, leaving the atocha station, losers unite!, random discovery, review, spain, spoiled brats, up to no good, worst books read in 2011 | posted in Lists, Words, Worst Books Read in 2011
Worst Books Read in 2011
9. A Visit From the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan
I didn’t give a damn what happened to any of the characters and there was a PowerPoint chapter. Bleh.
Original Review
10. The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher by Kate Summerscale
9 comments | tags: 1.5 stars, a visit from the goon squad, are you high, book review, books, contemporary fiction, drugs, fiction, godawful, historical fiction, jennifer egan, losers unite!, music, musicians, powerpoint, review, skeptical, wanna get lost in that rock & roll, washed up, worst books read in 2011 | posted in Lists, Words, Worst Books Read in 2011
Dearly, Departed by Lia Habel
My rating: 1 of 5 stars
Yeah…this was definitely not my thing. Both facepalmed and hoity-toity should not be in the same book. “Extra sparkly unicorn fart kind of special” also made an appearance. I use these to illustrate one of the most annoying aspects of the book; the bizarre swings between quasi-Victorian language and contemporary youthful slang. I also found the characters flat and, honestly, the basic premise of girl on zombie kind of grossed me out. I think I can quite definitely say that I will not be reading anything additional by Lia Habel. (Oh yes, did I mention that the series is named Gone With the Respiration. Seriously.)
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Leave a comment | tags: 0.5 star, awful, bad, book review, books, braaaains, dearly departed, godawful, gone with the respiration, horror, lia habel, losers unite!, post apocalyptic wastelands, review, romance, skeptical, steampunk, sweet sweet luuurve, that is not natural, the fuck is this the fuck was that, worst books read in 2011 | posted in Words